While designing the ARIS Community, we said we want to have an open community. We believe that having open content everyone can access is one of the key factors why the Internet became such a tremendous success. On the other hand, we see closed communities all over the Internet nowadays. You can’t access the content of those communities without being a member. Even though such communities are doing fine, they don’t scale, because they are not accessible to everyone.

Therefore, the ARIS Community is open. Any content you share with the ARIS Community will be available to everyone, too. People will be able to directly link to your contributions without having to register first. People will be able to discover your content using public search engines instead of using internal search functionality.

Unfortunately, there are also many bad boys around on the Internet. We have to protect the site a little bit so that it doesn’t become polluted by spam. Therefore, you have to register to post any new article or comment. However, registering is straight-forward, free of charge, and we only gather the really essential information about you.

Everything you post in the ARIS Community is directly linked to your profile. Everyone should be able to see who is a skilled and volunteering BPM expert. It is your contribution, so you should also get the credits for your work! However, we think it is not a good idea to make personal profiles publically available on the Internet. Therefore, user profiles are only available to those who are registered users. I

hope this gives you some ideas why we designed the ARIS Community the way it is. If there are any open points or something is unclear, please let me know and I will try to clarify it!

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