Last week on Thursday, we launched ARIS Community. Since then we have seen a steadily increasing number of members, who also say "We love BPM". Today, we are already more than 550 people interested in business process management and ARIS.

The last week was very busy for us at IDS Scheer, because besides releasing the ARIS Community, we also organised ARIS ProcessWorld on tour in Munich. Next week will also be busy, because ARIS ProcessWorld makes a stop in Prague.

During last week, we moved all posts of the ARIS BPM Blog to its new home here within ARIS Community. We also copied all comments so that your previous input doesn’t get lost. We also tried to assign a comment to you if we were aware of your account here within the community. However, please let us know if we have missed assigning comments to you!

We also released a small new feature. Many of you had problems finding the link to edit their profiles and user data. Therefore, we have added the small box shown in the image on the left. This navigation box is visible in the sidebar on the right after you logged in. It provides the most important links like creating a new article, viewing and editing your profile, and terminating your session.

We are of course continuing the development of the ARIS Community. There are still many open points, but please do not stop sending me your suggestions!

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