It is Christmas time! Back then, when I was a child, my parents asked me for my Christmas wish. One of the bad things about growing up is that nobody is asking you for your wish anymore and you have to find an excuse on your own to buy this fancy new geek device...

Today is a special moment for you as a grown-up, because we are asking you for your wish about ARIS Community! Currently, we are brainstorming which new features to add to ARIS Community during next year. We already got some items on our list. For example, we want to remove this artificial distinction between articles and discussions. We are also aware of some smaller items you brought up like having a publically visible counter showing you the current number of ARIS Community members (which, by the way, will pass 19.000 today or tomorrow). We are also planning new content, for example in connection with the ARIS MashZone release.

Still, we are very much interested in your ideas how ARIS Community should look like in the future. What is missing? Why wouldn’t you recommend the page to your fellow colleagues? Why are other places better suited to discuss your ARIS and BPM questions? Which part do you like most and you would like to see it extended? Should we stop adding features to the community and instead focus on articles and tutorials?

If you got some ideas, please share them with us by posting a comment or contacting us directly. We can’t promise that we will implement every single item, but we will try to incorporate it in our overall development plan!

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