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Today, our new mother Software AG issued a press release about ARIS Community attracting more than 50,000 members in the first year. In fact, ARIS Community is now the biggest pure BPM community in the world.

The PR people gave this press release a nice twist by adding a balance sheet. Here are the key figures for the first year they mentioned:

  • 50,000 members within first year
  • over 50,000 ARIS Express installations
  • over 6,000 ARIS MashZone installations

Besides, I also want to add some additional figures you might be interested in:

  • more than 3,400 articles and dicussion threads
  • more than 5,500 comments
  • 50 active groups
  • almost 150 shared BPM sample models
  • more than 2,000 daily visitors
  • about 65 blocked user accounts because of spamming :-)

Our mission has always been to spread the word about BPM. We believe that BPM is a useful tool for everyone, no matter if you are working in a multi-national cooperation or a small shop. We provide everything you need to get started for free, e.g.:

Personally, I believe that we just saw the beginning of BPM application in industry. But to also attract new users, we need your help. Please inform your peers about BPM and what it offers. Point them to the free resources mentioned above so that they can start immediately. Also, contact us if you have ideas how to improve ARIS Community or if you have an idea for an article to be published on ARIS BPM Blog.

Finally, a big thank-you to everyone supporting us in our mission!

by Ismael Shameem Etowar
Posted on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 14:39

Hi Sebastian,

This is indeed a big achievement :-).

Congratulation to the whole Team which has been working hard to keep this website alive and interesting for advanced users, intermediate users and newbies too.

Personally I feel 'at home' when I log in this website :-)

Keep on with the wonderful job.





by Wendel Souza
Posted on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 16:41

Dear Dr. Stein,

Thank you and IDS Scheer for making this wonderful community open to everyone. I was introduced to ARIS 6 Suite back in the early 2000s while getting an Information Systems degree. Although only now I am seeing a rising interest on BPM throughout the Brazilian market, it is quickly becoming aware of the need of adopting standards that can be easily and clearly understood by the different stakeholders across the IT industry.

This creates an advantage for both businesses and professionals that are early adopters because the products and services that they will offer to the market will be process-oriented, rule-compliant, easily adaptable to new business challenges, and thus a valuable tool that will empower the market to achieve its business goals and more importantly, will offer them resources to create and mold a new mindset and working culture within their organizations, one that is oriented to process improvement and aligned towards fulfillment of their organizations' goals.

This specially applies to the complex Brazilian healthcare industry (of which I am a business consultant), with its hundreds (possibly thousands) of governmental regulations, hundreds of healthcare operators, dozens of thousands of healthcare providers, and a 3-tier universal healthcare system. In order to make the challenge more interesting, only a fraction of this market adopted IT tools (such as an ERP system), and the rest are still in the Stone Age.

I am benefiting greatly from this community and it has been a pleasure to catch up with its content. I would like to see in the future a multilingual community feature that would help to sort content by language, thus enabling people like me to attract my non English-speaking peers to this place.

Once again, thanks, and keep up the good work!


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