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Now comes one of my favorite topics: our online communities. Gerd Schneider presents the various channels we offer so that you can directly interact with our experts. Get a first overview by visiting the Social Media Center.

Gerd first provides a short overview of ARIS Community. Many people in the room already know it :-) Afterwards, he shows the other communities for Adabas, Natural, webMethods, and CentraSite.

Gerd shares a bit of the history of the communities. He says that at the beginning it was fine to just have a forum. However, by the time additional resources were added like code samples, videos, tutorials, etc. To still allow people find their way to the items they are looking for, the central entry page was redesigned in the past months. It shows the different content types in a structured manner and provides a search capability.

Gerd Schneider

Ok, that was a short presentation, just 15 minutes, but I think our communities are an important tool for your daily work.

Note: See this article with a list of all articles published from the International User Group meeting in Berlin 2012!

by Sebastian Stein Author
Posted on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 14:40

There was a question in the audience whether ARIS Community will be merged with the other developer communities. Gerd responded to that with a clear NO. At the moment, we don't see a need for that as both communities are serving different audiences.


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