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We used ARIS 7.0 to generate a web site from ARIS Business Architect.

It was possible to select if we want one frame or two frames or three frames...



I could not find the same parameterization interface in ARIS 7.1.


If we use the default template, we have 4 frames.


I had a look on the FRAME FLEX file containing the code to apply the frame parameter.


The parameterization of the web site is it always possible?


Thanks for your answer.


Julien Martinelli

by Kirill Kichichidi
Posted on Fri, 04/15/2011 - 06:19

Hello, Julien!

Try to find this way: "View - Options - Web Publisher - Manage Layout"

by Julien Martinelli Author
Posted on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 16:50

Thank you Kirill!

This way is fine in ARIS 7.0, but I could not find the same interface in ARIS 7.1.


Nevertheless, while working directly on HTML files by Adminstration - Web Site Layout Menu,

I obtain a personalised Web site.

To go farther, I am searching for a "bible" of the ARIS tags which are directly integrated into HTML code



I do not  find this technical documentation which would be to me of a great help in my desire for going farther in the customization of the my ARIS Web sites .

Thank you for your help if somebody already find this kind of reference documents.







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