Profile picture for user Stef3003

Good evening my fellow ARIS community

Little bit of background, I have been a Process Engineer for 10years, mainly using ARIS as the modelling tool. Most of this time was also spent in the banking/financial industries. I am also a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

I want to look into expanding my ARIS and process modelling knowledge, and want to know which courses or certificates would you recommend?

Process Mining has come up with some of my searches, but I want to know if this is worthwhile before I delve into it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you

Thank you

by Caspar Jans
Badge for 'Influencer' achievement
Posted on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 09:39

Hi Stefan,

Couple of things:

  • This page ( will give you a lot of small little video's to enhance your knowledge on ARIS modeling. 
  • We do have courses / certifications you can take on ARIS but I would need to refer you to one of my colleagues who know more about that (ps: I would start with the video's)
  • Process Mining: this is definitely worth your while as this is one of the hottest topics out there at the moment. I have an advisory role to our clients on the general topic of BPM and I spend more than 60% of my time talking about process mining at the moment. The beauty of process mining is that you can get a perspective on the reality of the execution of your processes and you can compare this for instance with the way it should have been done (based on the designed process models), and much more...

Hope this helps and kind regards,



by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 15:43

Thanks a lot for the link, Caspar. Very useful! :)


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