Profile picture for user stephane.roux

Hi all,

We are customizing our Aris Connect through the Manager Configuration Sets. We are playing with Fact sheets to modify the display by adding properties specifics to an object (for instance Application Type (System)). I works fine and we can also display objects in relation with the selected object.

But now we want to display into the fact sheet the name of models (diagram) where the object appears. And ideally the path/link to those models. It will be usefull to navigate through the referentiel. It is rather similar to the Related Model view given when opened a model.

Can we do that with Configurations Set ? Do we need to deal with xml files ? Any help will be appreciate. Thank you.


by Stéphane Roux Author
Posted on Mon, 08/24/2020 - 15:50

I got a result by using an existing property "Used in" from System object. However this property cannot be modified with Aris Connect to add others models type. I suspect it is a background property defined directly to xml file. Below a picture. I will investigate.

Property to model list  

by Stéphane Roux Author
Posted on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 12:48

Well, I'm stuck. I didn't find any xml file among tons of files in the Software AG install repository. I did some changes in configuration sets and try to catch file change on the file repository but don't see anything. I think configuration changes are directly applied to the data base.

I'm a bit disappointed because what I shown in the prior message is exactly what I'm looking for. But impossible to create or modify this property and the model types wanted.

of course I read this requirement  "Advanced configuration changes require the use of XML configuration. Please contact Software AG for a customization request or participate in the 742-xx ARIS Connect Portal Configuration training. ... Configuration changes can only be performed by Software AG if you request and agree to them"

But If you have any idea to get me autonomous I will grateful


by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 15:35

Your analysis is spot-on. The change can only be done in the XML Configuration. But you should not do this without any training as you can break a lot of things unintentionally.

If you would like to have a look into the XML files, you can download e.g. the classic modification set via the backup icon. The set is complex and not self-explaining, though.

Kind regards,

by Stéphane Roux Author
Posted on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 09:34

In reply to by Eva Klein

Thank you Eva.

I downloaded the classic, it's a json file, not xml. it looks like this :

        "id": "ca64e97a-0f02-46ac-aab3-cc91d0027b9d",
        "name": "SED-Classic",
        "configSetRef": "classic",
        "created": 1554010119017,
        "lastModified": 1598436065445,
        "modCount": 1520,
        "modificationTypes": {
            "FACT_SHEET": {
                "contentType": "JSON",
                "contentEncoding": "BASE64",
                "schema": null,
                "modifications": {
                    "item": {
                        "content": "eyJvcGVyYXRpb25zIjpbeyJ0eXBlIjoiQUREX0ZBQ1RfU0hFRVQiLCJhZGRGYWN0U2hlZXRPcGVyYXRpb24iOnsiaXRlbVR5cGUiOiJmbHV4IiwidGFiSWRzIjpbXX19LHsidHlwZSI6IkFERF9TVUJfU0hFRVQiLCJhZGRGYWN0U2hlZXRPcGVyYXRpb24iOnsiaXRlbVR5cGUiOiJmbHV4IiwidGFiSWRzIjpbIm92ZXJ2aWV3V2l0aG91dENvbW1lbnQiXX19LHsidHlwZSI6IlNFVF9UQUJfT1 ..."
            "LANGUAGE": {     ...

"INSTANCE": {  ...







"VIEW": { ...

"HIERARCHY": { ...


"SEARCH": { ...

"OVERVIEW": { ...

And when I decode base64 data I get clear texte like this :

"content": "{"operations":[{"type":"ADD_FACT_SHEET","addFactSheetOperation":{"itemType":"flux","tabIds":[]}},{"type":"ADD_SUB_SHEET" ...

I found a reference to xml file to "copernicus" repository found on the server. Interesting, I will investigate.

One other thing, this json file seems to keep only modifications did on the duplicated set. For instance with "classic (Sytem) replication gives us a very short file :

    "recordVersion": 0,
    "modificationSet": {
        "id": "e249da06-9bbe-4f18-866f-efbd2d3f8329",
        "name": "classic copy [1598858471389]",
        "configSetRef": "classic",
        "created": 1598858471389,
        "lastModified": 1598858471395,
        "modCount": 1,
        "modificationTypes": {}


I go to investigate further more. thx

by Rowdy Liesker
Posted on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 14:15

Hi Stéphane,
Not sure if what you're looking for is like the below?
In our case we wanted to show in the fact sheet references to models in which an object appears as well (that is: we wanted to show the related process model, not the FAD which contains the actual object occurrence).
What we are still missing is

  • a reference to the model type (as per your picture).
  • the option to have the right object in the referenced model selected when clicking the link. This is similar to being in a 'Steps' diagram and clicking the 'Show in model'-icon.
    I believe a similar request for this kind of functionality has been raised with Brainstorm feature request #08329, so please vote for that one if you like it :-)

The below is indeed xml configuration, so I do concur with Eva's comment that a lot of things can be broken if not done correctly.

Best regards,

by Stéphane Roux Author
Posted on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 16:06

In reply to by Rowdy Liesker

Hi Rowdy,

What I want is rather similar but I need to display the related model into the fact sheet. See the image below, I stand for all links to model referencing the object. Currently this is the property "used in". Now I just wish to update the filter with the model type that I need.

Finally I found some xml files that sounds nice : C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\bin\work\work_copernicus_m\base\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\config\classic\transformations\system.xml

Indeed I want work the system object (application type) so I edited the system.xml file like below, restarted the Aris Server ... but nothing appears. Am I missing anything, is the right file ?

Cheers, Stephane


        <!-- Occurrences in processes -->
        <mapping name="processes" type="itemList" target="chain,process">
            <occurrence function="filter">
                <model typeNum="12, 13, 50, 134, 140, 154, 173, 221, 272, 273, 55" function="target"/>
                <!-- 12: Value-added chain diagram
                     13: EPC
                     50: EPC (material flow)
                     134: EPC (column display)
                     140: EPC (row display)
                     154: EPC (table display)
                     173: EPC (horizontal table display)
                     221: Process schedule
                     272: Business BPMN collaboration diagram
                     273: Business BPMN process diagram
                     55 : 31/08/2020 : Application Collaboration diagram (Stéphane Roux)

nota : I voted for you feature request #08329  ;)


by Rowdy Liesker
Posted on Wed, 09/02/2020 - 18:53

In reply to by stephane.roux

Hi Stéphane,

We use the default customized solution, but I guess it's not much different for classic for this topic.
I think in your case, since you're adding to the existing XML, all should be OK with just changing the transformation  (as opposed to also changing factsheets and localization).
A reason for it to not work can be that you added model type 55 to a list of models which are chain and process related (see also target). As far as I can see, neither of those 2 XMLs contain your model type, so you may need to revert back to 'default'. I've not been able to test that though.

Also, and apologies if you've already done that, but generally after making changes to files you need to run the Reload Config (http://<server>/#<tenant>/reloadConfig) in Connect to get it into effect.
If that ends without errors, you would just need to refresh your Connect model page. No need to restart the server.

PS: thanks for the vote!



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