As promised, part 2 of 2 to assist you with choosing the right tool.
Part 1 can be read here: How to choose the right Business Process Modeling Tool Part 1 by Jay Kleynhans.
6. Other uses for the tool’s data:
Capturing business processes should only be a starting point. The data should be useful for other purposes, e.g. system design and implementations, for instance ERP and workflow implementations, training material and job specifications from processes, to name a few. Repository based tools offer a model-based description of all aspects of an enterprise in a central database while providing support for object re-use. The tool’s graphic models are much easier to check for consistency and completeness than a collection of Word documents or PowerPoint slides.
7. Availability of technical support:
Most, if not all, software vendors offer international online or telephonic support. The differentiator is local support, where a technical expert can assist via email, telephone or assist on site in a reasonable timeframe.
8. Cost:
The age old saying of “you get what you pay for” is very relevant. The more robust, capable tools will be more expensive than the simpler tools. It helps to define the expected outcomes along with the expected return on investment to define what the tool is worth.
9. Accessibility by a larger audience:
The ability to share business processes within the business or even with clients, to describe business processes or to provide training on processes. This can mostly be done by the repository based tools. This can be achieved by the publishing of content to the intra- or internet, generation of project deliverables and other integration.
10. Ease of use:
User friendliness of a tool is a key differentiator. With many different tools available today, users demand an easy to use tool. Most tools should offer a demo version in order to test its usability.
11. Tool training:
It is important to make sure that tool training is readily available. Some tools have online training documents, but in a classroom setup the users are able to interact with the lecturer and ask questions.
Disclaimer: ARIS is a registered trademark of Software AG. The author does not have any affiliation with the vendor.