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I am using ARIS 7.1, and have some reports that create huge file sizes when exporting to .doc format.

I have read some articles about huge file sizes when embedding graphics in the report, and that ARIS 7.2 no longer have this problem as it supports docx as output format.

For me it looks like ARIS is just making an .rtf file, and renames it to .doc. The file is typically big aftter creation, but if I choose to save the file as a word document in word (have tried with Word 2003 and 2007) the file will shrink to a "normal" size.

Does anyone have a solution to get ARIS 7.1 to output files of "normal" size when running .doc-reports with embedded graphics?

I would really appreciate any answer!





by Galvin Widjaja
Posted on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 08:03

You're exactly right about the renaming of a rtf file... Unfortunately there isn't a solution for this that I know of. 

This issue persists to the latest version of ARIS7.2


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