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Hello Everyone, 

I am looking for use case where external application can invoke ARIS reports/macros? 

In other words, is there way we can enable two way data transfer between ARIS and other application in such way that external application can create content in ARIS such as model, object, connection etc. 

Any guidance or response on this is highly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance. 

by Robert Goldenbaum
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 09:12


yes, there is the REST interface for this...  Sadly I have not used it yet, but there was a posting sometimes in Decembre about it.

BR Robert

by Suraj Jadhav Author
Posted on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 10:39

In reply to by rgoldenbaum

Thanks Robert. Yes ARIS provides REST APIs but it does not create model and also the requirement is user is saving process data on another application which must transfer to ARIS and create model, objects, connection etc. 

by Robert Goldenbaum
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 11:42

In reply to by Suraj Jadhav

Hm, I think REST can be started externally by "the other program" and should then be able to start a report in ARIS that e.g. reads an XML file from ADS (also pushed there via REST) and imports the information found there...

Yes, complicated but probably doable :-)

by Anton Golovanov
Posted on Wed, 01/18/2023 - 06:38

If an instant reaction is not required, then you can try to organize data transfer through xml-files. A third-party application uploads data to xml, and ARIS imports and processes it. Schedule for running import and processing script in ARIS can be configured using cmd-files and a Windows scheduler.


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