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I'm trying to upload data into ARIS using the connector. 

It works fine during a single upload, but when I try to do it concurrently, I get the following error. 

Error Messgae: UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_CONNECTION_FROM_POOL: Unable to retrieve connection 'ArisDemocenter'. Cause: 'A connection was not available for request in pool

Is ARIS capable of concurrent data upload or issue happening only in connector?

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 08:44

Hi Suresh,

this seems to be a webMethods issue and no ARIS issue.

Regarding to

What do I do if I see the UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_CONNECTION_FROM_POOL error while enabling Accounts or executing Operations?

Increase the Maximum Pool Size or the Block Timeout values. 

Regarding the maximum pool size, when the connection pool has reached its maximum number of connections, the connector will reuse any inactive connections in the pool, or if all connections are active, it will wait for a connection to become available. Increasing the Block Timeout value increases the time Integration will wait to obtain a connection with the SaaS provider before the connection times out and returns an error.

For example, if you have a pool with Maximum Pool Size of 20 and if you receive 30 simultaneous requests for a connection, 10 requests will be waiting for a connection from the pool. Now if you set the Block Timeout to 5000 msec, the 10 requests will wait for a connection for 5000 msec or 5 seconds before they time out and return an error. If the services using the connections require 10 seconds to complete and return connections to the pool, the pending requests will fail and return an error message stating that no connections are available.

I hope that helps you :).



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