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With 92 percent, a clear majority of the respondents of the survey believes that EA should be determined by the vision, strategy and objectives of the company. Yet, only 40 percent of them actually included objectives and policies in their EA program. The alignment of business and IT is seen as the most important argument for organizations to start using EA. At the same time, connecting IT architecture and business elements, and arriving at important decisions about structure and layout on that basis, is found to be one of the biggest problems confronting businesses.

This is one of the conclusions a survey for the Rotterdam University carried out by Jonathan Broer last year, ordered by IDS Scheer. Broer questioned 161 respondents from 89 organizations representing a range of industries about their vision and implementation of the enterprise architecture concept. More knowledge about organizational aspects, drivers and failures, might bring more success for EA in companies.

EA knowledge statistics

What about your knowledge of successful EA?

Do the EA Quiz by answering five multiple choice questions:

  1. What percentage of EA programs did in the past year NOT fulfill expectations (according to the architects themselves)?

    a. 10%

    b. 33%

    c. 66%

  2. What are the main drivers for EA?

    a. Flexibility and SOA (Service Oriented Architectures)

    b. Business/IT alignment and Change process support

    c. Reduced decision risks

  3. What’s the correlation between older organizations (>50 years) and integration of architectures?

    a. No relation

    b. Younger organizations are further ahead in the integration of domain architectures because they have more transparency and less bureaucracy realizing integration

    c. Older organizations are further ahead in the integration of domain architectures, often by the necessity of mergers/takeovers and enabling phasing out legacy

  4. What’s the correlation between the size of the company and the number of EA roles and their EA approach?

    a. No relation

    b. The larger the organization, the larger the presence of the EA roles and the more they approach EA from business perspective

    c. The smaller the organization, the more they approach EA from business perspective

  5. What’s the explanation of the disappointing EA results according to the architects themselves?

    a. Not enough support from C-level so that EA is not given enough status and expectations cannot be fulfilled in practice. Limited commitment from interested parties so that there is a return to old habits, and agreements are not complied with.

    b. EA is not understood in the organization.

    c. EA tooling is not sufficient.

For complete answers and explanations you can download the ARIS Expert Paper “Why two thirds of Enterprise Architecture projects fail”. You might also benefit from the conclusions at the end of the paper.

Comments are always welcome and good luck decreasing the horrible 66% of program failures.

Answers: 1c, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a

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