Today’s ARIS ProcessDay in The Netherlands, IDS Scheer’s annual local BPM customer event, had a great keynote. Software AG’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Karl-Heinz Streibich, gave a very inspiring presentation about the digitization of business processes as a key enabler and business driver for the current economy. The digitization fueled by the internet, virtualization and cloud computing drives new business models in all industries. It leads to globalization and innovation, enabling companies to provide products and services anywhere at any time. Steadily, attention shifts from the implementation of core applications to the optimization of business processes. And that’s of course very encouraging for the more than 200 BPM adepts present at the event in The Hague.
Do you want to find out more about the program and its contents, then go to http://www.ids-scheer.com/nl/processday
Hint: Dutch language skills are handy ☺