Is there a better way of marking probability/ possibility of one outcome vs the other while using XoR gatway in BPMN?
Currently, I write it has the attribute condition expression and place it over the connector, but is there another way that's better?
You could define a different attribute for the connection in order to not misuse the Condition expression attribute and show that in addition to the Condition expression. This way you don't mix the different types of information. But the connection is definitely the right place to bear that information.
Connections are not the best place to store information, as they are used to 'disappear' when you delete objects. The question was about probability, the attribute 'Probability' is used in Events and connections.
If your convention is without events, then yeah, connections are the only option
Agreed. However, you do not need the events in BPMN for that purpose as you would in an EPC. BPMN prescribes the condition expression for the connection leaving the inclusive and exclusive gateway and consequently the probability for the condition to be true is adequately placed in the same place.
So having a convention like "if there is an event following the Gateway, then record the probability on the event, otherwise on the connection" is not a very consistent approach. On the other hand, normally you do not delete objects - and if you do so accidentally you can bring them up again and thus retain the connection definition.