
I am new to ARIS and I have zero-knowledge of Java programming skills. I need to create a custom report. I have read and applied the tutorials on this site, as well as others, and they were helpful. However, some of the commands and line codes are not very clear on what they do.

Here are some questions and concerns that I have that I hope you all can help:

1)I would like to create something similar to the "Create Process Manual" report and be able to customize some of the information on it. (As far as I know, I can't display the "Create Process Manual" script from a coding screen to the user-friendly report design view).

2)Can I display each symbol in a BPMN diagram on the custom report and display their information? If so, could anyone provide an example of how to reach that level? (The furthest I have been able to get is displaying the information of the model itself through {Selected groups.Model list(filterable by type).Name} and similar commands).

3) Whenever I place the command to insert the model graphic ({Selected groups>Model list(filterable by type).Graphic}) and run the report, the report output would be blank. Anyone faced similar issues?

4) Sometimes I create a report I would get the message
"Error creating report:
Could not initialize class com.aris.modeling.common.omf.runtime.OmfRuntimeFactory"

Thank you in advance for your help.

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