I would like to provide all users of an ARIS Server with an own company wide set of predefined patterns (and replace the predefined patterns delivered by IDS Scheer).
How can I do this?
I would like to provide all users of an ARIS Server with an own company wide set of predefined patterns (and replace the predefined patterns delivered by IDS Scheer).
How can I do this?
Hi Thomas,
no, as far as I know this is a custom setting for each user only.
if you mean fragments, they are stored locally for each user in "%USERPROFILE%\ARIS71\Pattern". There is also a folder called "predefined" in which the IDS predefined fragments are stored.
For each fragment there is one (XML) file with the name <GUI>.pat. The user-defined fragments are saved directly in "%USERPROFILE%\ARIS71\Pattern".
You can copy the .pat files or the whole folder and reuse it for another or all users (the client should be closed when you copy the files).
Augustina Prapa