We discussed the positioning of ARIS Express in my company using a SWOT .  The product was extremely well perceived, mainly because it is so user-friendly that we can attract a lot more modelers on-board to create process maps in a corporate format: EPC and BPMN (soon).   It became also clear  that if we want to manage our processes (harmonization, perf. improvement,...), we need to integrate them into a more sophisticated (and relational environment), which will naturally be the ARIS platform. 

So, synchronisation between AE and the ARIS platform was envisaged...

We envisonned that we could automatically export the ARIS platform models to AE models.  The reverse operation, i.e. uploading AE models into the platform, would better be a guided process, where the process modeler can decide how to merge the objects, depending upon the final object type and name in the global repository.  As, there are far less object types in AE, and because object types are different, the consolidation decision should be left to the person integrating the processes.

We just hope that this will be (somehow) the direction for the future enhancements, as AE is such a  process mapping accelerator that we need to care about what we do with all this material.

We also hope that the consolidation will be available in ARIS Bus Designer. 

It would be nice to have some insights on what's cooking in the pot...

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