Since days (weeks?) I have lost my symbols in ARIS Express. Example: no "Person" symbol in Org. Chart. Smartdesign says: "object not in filter". Sometimes symbols come back when I open a model with lost symbols.
A clear of Java cache + re-installation did not cure the problem.
Windows XP, IE7, Java 1.6.0_18 ARIS Express (SR 2010_05)
also ARIS Bus Designer on the computer.
Any idea?
this was also handled in this post:
The reason is that the update of Express 1.0 to 2.0 failed to update the configuration.
You need to remove one directory in order to force Express to restore the configuration:
Close Express. Go to your user profile: e.g. "C:\Documents and settings\<your user>\ARISExpress". In this directory, delete the "server" folder. Start Express again.
Does that help?
Hello Frank and many thanks for your quick answer.
After downloading ARIS Express this morning, symbols are back. Next time this happens, I will delete the "server" folder and recommend this to impacted users.
May I suggest an option which would prevent automatic updates for people who want to stay stable with the tool for presentations, workshops, process reviews... ?
Best regards,
I have the impression that ARIS Bus Designer 7.10 (423484 / 452456) and ARIS Express 7.10 are impacting each other.
I can reproduce a scenario where the installation and/or a un-installation of ARIS Bus Designer causes the symbols in ARIS Express to disappear ("Unable to find symbols 65535" in the java log).
Sometimes it's temporary: a re-boot of Windows often restores the ARIS Express symbols. I am confused....
Do the two components share system settings on Win XP ? (registry? file-system?).
I did, but I can't do that all the time. I am now convinced that the Java 1.6.0 update 18 (and not Bus Designer ) has something to do with loosing the symbols in Express . I reversed back to Java 1.6.0 update 14, and did not experience missing symbols again.
It's not the first time that the Java runtime drive my applications nuts... We have to be very careful with some java level. Thanks for helping.
Hi Frank, The thing is that I repeatedly got the symbols disappearing, at random, even after deleting the folder, re-launching, etc... So this was not just a migration failure, but rather some annoyances coming presumably from Java update 18 or Java versions piling up... So far, so good with 1.6.0 update 14 only... I think update 17 was OK too. I am happy now. Thanks