Bom dia,
Gostaria de saber se tem algum relatório sobre a quantidade de acessos ao sistema por usuario?
Thais Pinheiro
Bom dia,
Gostaria de saber se tem algum relatório sobre a quantidade de acessos ao sistema por usuario?
Thais Pinheiro
Oi Thais,
I hope it's OK to reply in Inglês porque meu Português é muito mal. ;-) And hopefully Google translated your question properly. The following command line lists the currently connected ARIS clients on the ARIS Business Server (for ARIS 7.2): %ARISHOME71%JavaClient\ArisAdm72.exe -s localhost -pa SITEADMIN sessions (password SITEADMIN is the default) This example can be put in a batch file to be executed on a command prompt of that computer where you are running ARIS Business Server. Another option to log user sessions is using ARIS accounting. Read the Server Installation and Administration Guide chapter on page 118 how to configure that. (source: ARIS Documentation Server)
Um abraço
Thanks for your help.
Sorry for my english too.
I´m working as responsible for administering the system aris. And there are some settings that I need to do. You teach me how I can work with the reports, but now I need to improve others configurations on the sistem. Do you know some training presencial in Brazil that you indicate me or if you know a consultor who could help me? I need to know more about the system.
Thanks again for you help.
Thais Pinheiro