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Hey guys,

so the situation I'm in right now:

I want to create one dashboard that displays database-specific data. That data is gathered by a report and then uploaded to ADS into a specific folder (e.g. path is: storage/DatabaseA). Since I don't want to have 20+ different datafeeds I decided to put the database's name as variable (user-input) and to use that in the dashboard as user-input.

So far: cool beans!

Now for the question:

is there any possibility to automatically select the database I'm viewing the dashboard on and put it in the path where the data comes from?

If not: my solution would be to have some sort of drop-down-menu in my dashboard where I'd select the desired database and use that. My problem with that solution is that I somehow get the information from the drop-down into the path of the datafeed. I'd try to use the user input I set in the datafeed but I still don't know how to get it from the drop-down into the "user-input" field in the dashboard... Or is there maybe any other way?

Anyone ever done something similar?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Best regards


by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 13:50

Hi Bartosz,

I am not sure that I understand you correctly. But the following would be my suggestion for context-sensitive dashboards:

Add an "input field" to your dashboard and configure the field in the following way:

Configure widets

In the data feed, you have to configure a "text user input" with the name "database". To forward the database name to the data feed, it is necessary that you add a filter to all widgets in the dashboard. To do this, select the widget, click "Filter", select the source column "database", and map the value from the input field "database" to the source column from the data feed.

A good example for how this should work is the demo dashboard "CXM - Customer experience" and the associated data feed.

Does this solve your problem? If not, don't hesitate to contact me once more.

Kind regards


by Milan Slivka
Posted on Wed, 09/15/2021 - 02:45

Hi Eva,

I am trying to fix up default dashboard Variant Management.

The out of the box report for Variant Management is locked and it does not produce the full dataset that is required... the "Master Version" data is missing from the XML... (is there a unclocked version of the report that I can update?)

For now I will just remove this column from Dashboard.

UMG example contains: <column idx="12" datatype="text" name="Master Version">Master Version</column>

The XML generated by report does not have this info: 

      <column idx="0" datatype="text" name="Master Model">Master Model</column>
      <column idx="1" datatype="text" name="Master Model Path">Master Model Path</column>
      <column idx="2" datatype="text" name="Master Model GUID">Master Model GUID</column>
      <column idx="3" datatype="text" name="Master Owner User ID">Master Owner User ID</column>
      <column idx="4" datatype="text" name="Master Owner Name">Master Owner Name</column>
      <column idx="5" datatype="text" name="Variant Model">Variant Model</column>
      <column idx="6" datatype="text" name="Variant Model Path">Variant Model Path</column>
      <column idx="7" datatype="text" name="Variant Model View">Variant Model View</column>
      <column idx="8" datatype="text" name="Variant Model GUID">Variant Model GUID</column>
      <column idx="9" datatype="text" name="Variant Owner User ID">Variant Owner User ID</column>
      <column idx="10" datatype="text" name="Variant Owner Name">Variant Owner Name</column>
      <column idx="11" datatype="text" name="Rollout State">Rollout State</column>
      <column idx="12" datatype="text" name="Last change of state">Last change of state</column>
      <column idx="13" datatype="text" name="Last updated">Last updated</column>
      <parameter datatype="TEXT">param</parameter>


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