Keeping your organization in the best shape possible can be a tremendous undertaking and Business Process Management has, since it's inception, tried to support organization in aligning their processes, accelerating transformations and enable operational excellence projects. Around the world, a lot of people are working on these kind of topics daily, and from time to time you need to take a step back and look at is happening around you.
So, if you are a BPM practitioner, enthusiast or professional, then the inaugural BPMA Expert Forum event is something you don’t want to miss. The field of BPM has been around for more than 2 decades and has been in constant development. Even after 20 years, new territories of BPM capabilities are being discovered, developed and implemented on a daily basis. The emergence of process mining in the most recent history is a great example of this. BPM as a management philosophy, centered around the concept of the business process, has evolved over the years from a typical IT centered, process documentation function to a business-oriented management discipline that ensures the constant alignment of an enterprise’s resources (such as processes, applications, roles, risks and much more) and as a result, the field of BPM is going through a new surge in interest from virtually every industry.
In this first Expert Forum session two of the greatest BPM contributors will take the stage (Prof Dr Ir Wil van der Aalst and Prof Dr Michael Roseman) will shed their light on The Past, Present and Future of BPM. So, if you want to keep up on what’s going on in the field of BPM, register and tune in, together with hundreds of fellow BPM experts, on March 2nd, 8:00 am CET. The organization and moderation is in the capable hands of Shazia Sadiq, Barbara Weber, Hajo Reijers and Jan Mendling, all experts in the field of BPM.
Link to the event:
Enjoy the forum session!