
We are using ARIS Test Designer and SAP Solution Manager. We are using BPMN for process modelling. Currently we are using pools (with assignment to BPMN process model) as a method to design 'process interfaces' to other re-usable processes. I have investigated the possibility to use a Call activity instead, but the use of a Call activity does not work in ARIS Test Designer. In BPMN 2.0 a Call activity is the replacement of a re-usable Task in BPMN 1.2.

In ARIS a Call acitivity has an assignment to a process model on the same level. In BPMN a start and end event is not mandatory, but for ARIS Test designer these events needs to be modelled in order to create test paths.

My question is: when I use ARIS Test Designer and use a Call activity in a process model, is there a reason why the re-usable process is not supported by the ARIS Test designer? I tried to use start and end events before and after, but (so far) I was not able to create test paths in the user definable option.

To my opinion we should not use pools to visualize process interfaces.


Theo Padding

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