
is it possible to use Mashup-Views within SAPGUI- or WebDynpro-Views?

Is a "anonymus user" available or do you have others tips to handle the needed but disruptive Mashup logon?

Kind regards


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 15:43

Hello Thorsten,

integrating MashApps within other websites or portlets is currently under development. Same for the "anonymous user" which is a feature you can expect later this year!

Stay tuned


by Konstantin Dudura
Posted on Sat, 06/05/2010 - 19:26

As far as I understand you can pass the logon credentials via URL like this:


So create a view only user record and publish the URL for prompt anonymous access, if you don't want the users to see the logon screen.

Hope this helps.


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