Profile picture for user Tina Frey

Hi All,

Today I have one more reason for you to register for ProcessWorld 2012.

Curious about the cloud? Must have more on mobile? In search of big data insights?

We are delighted to announce that featured speaker Gartner analyst Val Sribar has just been confirmed to deliver a ProcessWorld keynote covering what Gartner refers to as the 'Nexus of Forces: Social, Mobile, Cloud and Information.' Val leads Gartner's Enterprise Software Research Group with experts on cloud, mobile, SOA, agile methodologies, application platforms and more. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insight on how together these forces enable you to build new business opportunities.

Our 43 track sessions also include many enlightening presentations around ARIS. Be the first to see all the new functionality and exciting enhancements coming in ARIS 9.0.

If you have even more questions around ARIS or any of the Software AG offerings use the unique opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our experts.

Visit for more information and join our ProcessWorld LinkedIn group to start engaging today.

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