Profile picture for user Tina Frey

The International User Groups Conference is the global event designed by our customers, for our customers. Every year, our customers, partners, user community members and experts come together to learn, share and help simplify the connected world. This year, we will be meeting in Budapest, Hungary from June 12-16.


There’s something for everyone at the IUG Conference—whether you’re interested in acquiring deeper knowledge of our products and services, learning more about our new technologies, or networking with experts and peers.

Top 7 reasons to attend:

  1. Dozens of interactive sessions covering a wide variety of topics, from high-level roadmaps to deep-dive technical sessions.
  2. Get a behind-the-scenes look at upcoming product updates and features, including major announcements, live demonstrations and usability labs.
  3. Best practice sharing from customers and partners that showcase their challenges and successes using Software AG products.
  4. Hands-on sessions, workshops and more led by experts that help you develop tactical skills and new knowledge.
  5. Direct access to Software AG experts to collaborate with and to answer your most pressing technology questions in 1:1 meetings.
  6. A destination event ideal for both individual attendees and entire teams to plan, bond, share learnings and collaborate.
  7. Peer-to-peer networking events, entertainment and evening programs to enjoy while onsite will take your conference experience to the next level.

To learn more about the IUG Conference and secure your spot, visit our event website.

If you need help making a case for your trip to Budapest, we’ve prepared a justification letter you can use.

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