Can you tell me if its possible to customize what is shown in the tooltip when you hover the mouse over an object (tooltip - ie. the yellow box that appears)

In Business Architect i get a lof of attribute values:

Name, Description, Group path etc....

When i publish the model i only get the name in the yellow box.

I can not find any options for adjusting the content in the tooltip

Hope someone can help me with this


by Marc Dorchain
Posted on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 21:47

It would be a good idea to bring this kind of customization to all kind of our products, but currently I have some doubts that all kind of tooltips can be personalized like described. But you can be sure that your question will be picked up.

by Tom Einar Nyberg Author
Posted on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 10:17

In reply to by sstein


I can understand that altering this in all the products would require alot of changes - but at least Business publiser should have this kind of functionality so that the user can quickly see, fex the description of a task.


by M. Duitshof
Posted on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 11:24

Is there any progress on this request after 3 years?

This customisation would be very valuable for our ARIS-environment as well.




by Soundarya S
Posted on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 12:43

hi ppl,

Can you please let me know how to make customized tool tip to be appearing in aris publisher....??






by Martin Axt
Posted on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 09:07

Is there any progress on this request after another 4 years?

This customization would be very valuable for our ARIS-environment as well.


THX martin

by Robert Vajdik
Posted on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 17:15

Hello everybody,

I am not sure, if I get it correctly.You can add values or any text into mouse over object by customization of modelControl.jsp See added values into tooltip in picture below. 




line 638
//show object name as 'Quick info', if moving mouse over the object

                if(selObj[STR_TYPE] == 1) {

                    var occDat = model.occs[selObj[STR_REF_IDX]];

                    var defData = model.defs[occDat[OCC_REF_DEFID]];

                    p_frame.setQuickInfo( defData[DEF_NAME] +" ["+ defData[DEF_TYPE] +"] -"+ defData[DEF_TYPE_NAME]+ " GUID: " + defData[DEF_GUID] );



Best Regards,



by Milan Slivka
Posted on Wed, 01/17/2018 - 04:20

In reply to by vaj049

Thanks Robert.

How do you define variable for Description?

var DEF_DESC = ???; How to get for example custom attributes? 


var DEF_IDX = 0;

var DEF_TYPE = 1;

var DEF_TYPE_NAME = 2;

var DEF_ID = 3;

var DEF_GUID = 4;

var DEF_NAME = 5;

var DEF_DESC = ???;


var DEF_DOCS = 7;

var DEF_SAP = 8;

var DEF_SAP_DOC = 0;

var DEF_SAP_OPT = 1;

var DEF_SAP_TRANS = 2;

var defsArr = [

<%= builder.getDefBuf().toString() %>



//show object name as 'Quick info', if moving mouse over the object 

                if(selObj[STR_TYPE] == 1) {

                    var occDat = model.occs[selObj[STR_REF_IDX]];

                    var defData = model.defs[occDat[OCC_REF_DEFID]];




            } else {




by Martin Axt
Posted on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 14:57

Great Robert

Thank you,



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