Good Morning.
On Aris I've mapped a few hundred risks associated with different categories (e.g. operational risk, reputational risk etc.). To view the risk category in the report, these risks must be mapped in occurrence copy in the CPE. 
In the ARCM module, I'd like to insert the risk assessment for each of them (therefore: impact 1, impact 2 etc.). In doing so, however, I cannot attribute two different evaluations to the same risk: therefore, if i wanted to give evaluation 1 to risk "x" in process 1 and evaluation 2 to the sa,e risk "x" in process 02, I could not (being in occurrence copy).

Is it possible to pass the risks from the main module of Aris to the ARCM in definition copy, so as to give each risk a different rating? Otherwise does anyone know that to do?


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