Robotic Process Automation is an absolute hype topic when it comes to automating business processes. RPA is increasingly finding its way into the daily operations of many companies. Software robots are working together with employees to give them more time to focus on the important things. At the same time, most companies struggle to scale - only four percent reach a 50-robot scale in their automation projects. 

With ARIS RPA powered Kryon, our process-driven RPA solution, ARIS aims at overcoming this to make RPA projects successful and scale. We are happy to see, that with this approach, Software AG has just been selected as on of the 10 most recommended RPA Solution Providers 2019 - thanks for this! And also thanks for the opportunity to share some insights and future directions of RPA.

Download and read the full article. Or get the magazine. You want to see how the solution looks like? Then have a look at our recent webinar recording.

CIO Insider - RPA

In fact, it is not enough to just implement a robot. What is needed, is a best-practice approach covering all phases of automating processes. Then added value is guaranteed by having a holistic view of the end-to-end processes. This makes RPA itself a process: Process-driven RPA.

  1. Use AI-based insights from process mining to identify and prioritize the right automation opportunities. 
  2. Apply intelligent task mining to auto-discover the actual task sequence on a click level.
  3. Based on the actual behavior, design your automation solution and improve the process first. Don't automate a poor process!
  4. Derive the working robot with only one click; refine and continuously monitor it from an operational and also a compliance point of view.
  5. Reuse the task sequence and enhance it with contextual information to get a comprehensive view of your RPA process landscape – accessible to all relevant stakeholders.
  6. Finally, pitch your RPA success to management to ensure buy-in, ownership and a budget for future growth.

You want to see how it works? Then have a look at our recent webinar recording.

Process-driven RPA powered by Kryon

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