I am trying to export an ARIS diagram to BPMN2.0+ or XPDL for upload into MicroFocusALM (formerly HP ALM).
Has anyone had any success in attempting this?
Thanks for your help!!
Hi Tom,
I have this information:
Functionality "Export BPMN diagram as a XPDL file"
XPDL export is a SAG wM specific XPDL generation. A usage of the generated export to import into other tools is a own risk and not supported.
Even the communication between ARIS and wM will be changed to BPMN2 file format, we do not consider XPDL as future-proof standard and will stop the support in a future version.
Standard XPDL export is planned to replace by BPMN export.
Now the feature is 'Export Bpmn Diagram as a Bpmn file" and I not sure if you can try to use this one to MicroFocus...