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Profile picture for user Tony Iliev


I'm facing an issue with the attribute visualization for BPMN Collaboration diagrams. A header is created and part of the customer requirements is to place the model’s name in particular color and font size. However, when all the requirements are met the attribute visualization is also applied in the Properties pane. I would describe the issue as rather ‘cosmetic’ as it doesn’t have any impact on the modeling activities, yet it would be much better if it looks normal in the information pane.

Is there any setting to disable the formatting visualization in the Properties pane?


Best regards


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by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 05/09/2022 - 12:46

Hello Tony,

as you are doing it, you are formatting the value of the model Name attribute. What you need to do is assigning a "Font Format" to the attribute occurrence. The Font Formats can be defined at database level in the Administration of ARIS Architect. Define a new Font format you want to use for all Name headers in your models. Then you can open the properties of your occurrence in the model and assign that font format to the occurrence. Don't format the contents of the attribute.

When you have designed your Header in one model I would recommend to use "Create fragement..." in order to reuse that in all subsequent models you make.


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