Profile picture for user Tony Iliev


I'm facing the following issue:

  1. A new ARIS method filter is created on an ARIS server.
  2. The filter is successfully exported and imported within the same server.
  3. A filter generated from another ARIS server is to be imported, but a warning/cancelation message 'To import the file you must have the 'ARIS Access' license privilege' pop up and the filter cannot be imported.
  4. A filer generated by yet another ARIS server is imported successfully on the first ARIS server.

All the ARIS servers are within the same release -

What is the difference? Why there is such requirement in some of the cases and in another there is not?


by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Tue, 12/13/2022 - 15:03

Dear Tony,

Does your user account has the license privilege ARIS Access? That's an extension pack of ARIS Architect.

ARIS Access enables unenrypted data exports. Means, you need that license on the ARIS Server where you exported the filter.


by Tony Iliev Author
Posted on Wed, 12/14/2022 - 16:38

Dear Runè,

Thank you for the swift reply!

The ARIS Access license is available on the server I'm working on and it is not for the other two servers. When I'm exporting an ARIS filter, it is exported successfully regardless of Access license is active or not for my account.

Or you mean that the filter should be exported with the Access license privilege unchecked? And then to be imported on another ARIS server?

Best regards



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 12/14/2022 - 18:04

In reply to by Tony Iliev

If ARIS Access is not assigned to that user account who is exporting ARIS data, the data will be encrypted, and it can only be imported on the same server.

If ARIS Access is assigned, then the data export is unencrypted. I need to double check whether the target server would also need to have ARIS Access to successfully import unencrypted files.


by Tony Iliev Author
Posted on Thu, 12/15/2022 - 14:40

In reply to by rbe

I've been wondering what's the exact meaning of this particular license extension, so thanks Runè for shedding some light over it! Looking forward for more details.


by Tony Iliev Author
Posted on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 14:47

In reply to by rbe

Dear Runè,

The tip regarding the Access license type and role was extremely helpful. It’s quite simple now: both the ARIS Filter exporter (UMC user 1) and the ARIS filter receiver (UMC user 2) need to have the same license privileges. For example, I’m sending a filter to someone and the Access is checked for my ARIS user account, so the person on the other side of the line (receive the filter) should have the Access license checked too. Alternatively, both users should have the Access license privilege unchecked in order to exchange filters.

Again, thanks for the tip!



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