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we are planing the migration our Aris Version (Design Server, Connect) from 9.8.7 to 10.0.5.

The data migration guide describes the manually db migration.

The exports (.adb-files) of our 2 biggest dbs are 1.6 and 2.2 GB.

Im "just" the server administrator, my colleague is the aris-admin who will do most of the migration work. But export and import with the aris architect client last time did take more than 8 hours for one off the 2 dbs.

Therefore my colleage asked if there is a faster way of migrating the databases. We are using an external oracle db.

Would it be possible to do the db migration in the oracle environment?

Or are there ways to script the db export import via the acc to let it run over the weekend or night time?

Thanks for any support!


by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2018 - 19:59

Hello Torben,

we recently migrated from Aris 9.8.7 to As per the data migration guide you would backup/restore the whole tenant "default", including UMC user data, UMC configuration, content DB.

This can be run in a scheduled batch/shellscript calling the Aris Cloud Controller (= acc.bat/ with the command line arguments:

backup tenant <tenantName> to "<outputPath>" username="system" password="<yourSecret>"

Result is a zip file named Backup_Tenant_<tenantName>_<yyyy-MM-d__hh-mm-ss.acb containing some meta data and further zip files of content dbs (*.adb) or system db in subdirectories

Regards, Martin

by Torben Pauls Author
Posted on Fri, 10/19/2018 - 12:06

Hi Martin,

thank you for the information!

We will try that.




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