
From ARIS Report script it is possible to call function setAutoTouch() in order to specify if subsequent changes made by the script to objects in the database should trigger update of the object’s last modified attribute or not.

We are looking for a similar functionality in the ARIS Macro script, such that we can decide if we want macro actions to an open model to affect the Modified flag of the model (retrieved by the Designer.isModified() function)

What we want to achieve is to highlight objects of particular interest to the current user when the model opens, and remove the highlighting again when the model closes. Problem is that any change to model content in the open model triggers the Modified flag to be set, so even if the user opens the model, views it and closes it again, he is then asked if he wants to save the changes.

Does anyone know how to disable the setting of the Modified flag through Macro script?

Thanks and regards

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