I have a problem when I create a report at ARIS 9.8.
I was upload file to Document Storage link. And I tried to create script but it's not work. Because script error.
var attrDoc = dataofModels5[z].Attribute(Constants.AT_ADS_LINK_1,nLocale);
if (attrDoc != "Attr[4015,[Binary data], locale=1033]@0") {
p_output.BeginSection(false, Constants.SECTION_DEFAULT)
sectionPageSetup2( xx, p_output )
var bytearray = attrDoc.getExternalDocument().getDocument();
var docVal = Context.getOutputObject(file,bytearray);
p_output.InsertDocument(docVal, false, false);
Does anyone know how to get output file in document storage link??
Please help me. and thank you for your attention.