
downloaded the s/w, got as far as starting to register the product, at that point registered with the community site. The Community regsitration was completed satisfactoraly.

Then tried to enter the user name and password in the installation dialogue but it hung.

Deleted the programme and tried to start from scratch but now after the installation dialogue, nothing. So cannot cpmpete installation or register the product.

Any advice?




by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 09:54


Express, at the first start, tries to check your community account. Without this check, Express refused to start.

If Express is not able to do this check, normally, the proxy settings do not allow Express to connect via HTTPS to the community. As a result, you get a connection timeout.

So please check the usage of the correct proxy settings or/and ask your IT department.



by mal bailey Author
Posted on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 19:58



thanks for this. To confirm, I re-ran the installation the next day and its working now.



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