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We are working on an SAP Implmentation and are concluding our Blueprint Phase. As a result, we are being asked for reporting information on Roles and Transactions Codes in ARIS.  Our Roles are modleled on an EPC model assocaited with SAP Function Types.  The SAP Function Types are on a FAD, and the screens have the respective transaction codes.  I am attempting to write a report that will "pull" Role (Person Type) to Transaction Types.  In other words, I need to "show" the Roles from the EPC model combined with the Transaction Codes on the object (Screen) on the FAD model.  I need help, guidance and direction on how I can do this.  I have been working all day trying to "pull" this information.   Incidentially, I am new to ARIS Report Writing.



by Abhijit Das
Posted on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 15:23


For each EPC look the SAP function and associated Role object by the connection. And then check the assigned FAD models and get the associated transaction codes on the screen object.


Abhijit Das

by Harry Ratia
Posted on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 14:18

Hello Mark,


I have tried this and basically my approach was the same as mentioned in the comment above. Can you please  show what you have tried so far by providing an example of the ARIS report code? Then maybe I can give you some tips on how to continue. 


Regards    / Harry R

by Srinivas CH
Posted on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 07:57

Hi Harry & Abhijit Das,

I have tried a report for this solution, But I Would like the output should be in a different way. Means for example for an activity we have three roles, Please see the below image:

Now I am getting output like the one above, I would like to see the output like the one in Red mark..Is that possible?? Merging all the roles in one TableCell separated by "comma":. If so please help me out.

Thanks in advance,


by Srinivas CH
Posted on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 10:19

Hi all,

I found the solution for the above post. Thanks and Have a great day :)


by Srinivas CH
Posted on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:33

Hi Harry,

No, I tried my own logic using Array. Its working. I am unable to get the logic which "Mateusz K" posted.

var list = new Array();
for(j = 0; j <= (roleOccs.length-1); j++)
  for( var k=0; k <= (list.length-1); k++)
            roles = list[k] + RolesTotal;
            RolesTotal = "," + roles;

Hello Harry, The scripts which you created before helps me a lot. But still I have many questions to clarify.



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