It is the new functionality of ARIS for SAP to speed up your SAP projects and enable alignment of business process requirements and SOA! Read this blog from Josèphe Blondaut from IDS Scheer AG and Stephan Schluchter from SAP AG, introducing the new integration.

Using ARIS Business Architect for SAP you are able to plan, document, simulate and optimize your business processes on a conceptual level. Not taking care, whether these processes are based on manual or automated activities. When you start detailing your process landscape and shaping the processes to be realized and executed with software, you would not only need the planning information but also a linkage to the underlying systems to achieve the needed level of transparency. In other words, you would need a view on the application core processes that are executed by the SAP Business Suite.

These application core processes are pre-defined, packaged and customizable, represent the core business functionality and are also exposed as reference content. SAP Solution Manager provides a transactional view on business scenarios, business processes and processes steps to support the implementation and administration of the application core processes. As you might already know, this reference content can be synchronized with SAP Enterprise Modeling and enables the alignment with the business architecture you have defined as mentioned above.

Thinking about SOA – the Enterprise Services Repository from SAP stores all enterprise service metadata, standard-based service definitions including Process Component Architecture models. These models serve as the reference content for your SOA-based implementation of the application core processes. 

With the new integration of ARIS for SAP and Enterprise Services Repository the existing integration of SAP solutions on a transactional level (SAP Solution Manager) is extended to a service-oriented environment. This will be achieved via an online read-only connection from ARIS for SAP to Enterprise Services Repository, to allow you inspecting the models starting from a business point of view. Furthermore specific modeling entities of process component architecture models stored in Enterprise Services Repository can be merged and annotated to business process models in ARIS for SAP. This increases the level of transparency for realized business processes tremendously, as it leads to a comprehensive overview of the business process landscape, starting from the top-level approach of conceptual business process modeling down to atomic functions – realized with transactions or services.

The cool new things are: You can identify the processes that provide and consume services and you have correct matching of services to business processes. If necessary you could use requirements and blueprint of new services (so called service requests), that is made possible through a new method extension within SAP Enterprise Modeling. The integration of ARIS for SAP and Enterprise Services Repository is now available to customers having a valid license of the Enterprise Services Repository (delivered with SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 or SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1).

The functionality is available upon request and includes:

  • Browse Enterprise Services Repository from ARIS for SAP front-end
  • Merge Enterprise Services Repository modeling entities into SAP Enterprise Modeling database
  • Annotate enterprise services into business processes
  • Search for enterprise services in the SAP service viewer
  • Call additional information from Enterprise Services Workplace in SAP Developer Network (SDN) and WSDL files
  • Gap analysis and additional reporting, e.g. Enterprise Services Repository business blueprint

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