With the new ARIS Business Strategy, Software AG provides a set of expert capabilities to design, implement and control the strategy of any company. ARIS Business Strategy is designed for employees (e.g. inhouse strategists, controllers, consultants) who are challenged to

  • create comprehensible descriptions of their strategies, strategic objectives, business models, and tactics,
  • use strategy maps and analyze critical success factors to plan their business transformation initiatives,
  • create a control cycle from strategy to processes back to strategy with proven management tools.

Because business modeling gets more and more important in the market,  the new strategy diagram called “Business Model Canvas" by Osterwalder will be part of the new ARIS Business Strategy with the next Service Release. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool, which supports strategists to (re-)consider their business model and to enable business model innovation:

ARIS Business Strategy is a bundle: Core part is the ARIS Business Strategy add-on which gives you a set of 9 diagrams to describe your business strategy, business models, strategic objectives, critical success factors, cause-and-effect relationships etc. Classical strategy tools like SWOT help strategists to analyze strategic performance and unveil necessary changes in their business model. To bridge the gap between the world of run-time and strategy, a preconfigured MashApp called “Scorecard Dashboard” is provided via ARIS MashZone to observe strategic targets.

What are the key benefits of the new ARIS Business Strategy?

ARIS Business Strategy helps to save time and money through the strategy lifecycle and a companies way to operational excellence. And though it is trivial: it makes you make a plan.

  1. Strategists get a professional tool to support their strategic analysis, strategy definition and strategy implementation closely integrated into the world of business processes, organizational structures, and IT.
  2. The modeling capabilities of ARIS ease the process of strategy design and create an information folder not only for operational process and application descriptions. Gathering strategy maps, business models and scorecards in a central information database, is more efficient and targeted than spreading strategic information across distributed presentations or spreadsheet files.
  3. The MashApp “Scorecard Dashboard” is designed to keep the management informed. At-one-glance, managers get all the necessary information they need based on performance data from a Balanced Scorecard (performance on strategic objectives, KPI achievements, progress of action plans etc.).

ARIS Balanced Scorecard is fully integrated in the new ARIS Business Strategy product. Thus, the new bundle replaces the current ARIS BSC product.

We will inform you on new innovation in the ARIS Community and on our website. Check on a regular basis!

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