Collaboration takes place anytime and anywhere during the “life” of a business process – from design to implementation to execution to monitoring & measurement. In these stages, you always have different stakeholders involved, e.g.
- somebody who creates the draft of a new business process (e.g. a process architect),
- somebody who syncs the new to-be process with business experts (e.g. process workers) and
- somebody who finally decides on the draft and owns the final process – the process owner.
Depending on the tasks, different challenges apply during the life of a business process – and collaboration is an enabler for all of them. With the recent release of ARIS 9, our new product ARIS Connect provides a bunch of great capabilities that help to drive social collaboration within organizations. Based on the main benefits, I will give you a short overview how social collaboration with ARIS Connect supports you:
Communicate with your stakeholders through collaboration
During the design of a new business process or an enterprise architecture landscape, the different stakeholders – modeling users, reviewers, approvers need to communicate a lot to discuss about the meaning of a business process, to raise concerns about solution patterns or to make valuable proposals for improvements. The new social collaboration within ARIS Connect makes it very easy to communicate with people, to create groups for discussions or to ask questions to the audience of a specific business process. This makes it obsolete to write yet another email or to place a phone call and the best is that the answers to those questions or comments are available not just to one single person (= the one who asked) – everyone who joins the collaboration can have access to a response and benefit from the documented knowledge.
Involve your stakeholders and gain acceptance through collaboration
A main challenge in transformation projects is the acceptance of a new to-be process by those who are affected by change. Social collaboration is a valuable instrument to involve those people who will be affected by change in the future and to get their buy-in as early as possible. People can make proposals for changes and bring in their own view and knowledge on what needs to be improved. This is on the one hand a valuable channel for new ideas and on the other hand a great way to make people part of the change process.
Govern your process improvement through formal collaboration
The process of process management needs be managed as well – either through a formal collaboration based on pre-defined workflows or based on the flexible way of communication described before. ARIS Connect provides both! Based on pre-defined workflows, every user can place a change request that goes straight to the owner of e.g. a business process or an IT system. Such a change request is visible to the requester and the owner only and thus a direct communication channel for process improvement.
Take real advantage from the wisdom of the crowd!
The knowledge within a certain context is always in the heads of specific people. Collaboration technology provides the capability to raise the power of being social – successful examples like Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn show how easy, fast and powerful news are spread (e.g. Twitter), experts are found (e.g. LinkedIn) or knowledge is collected and documented (e.g. Wikipedia) through social collaboration. That is the wisdom of the crowd!
You can adopt this principle as well. Involve the people from your project teams, process experts or whoever is required for building high-quality results. Social collaboration gives you the power to leverage all your activities related to Business Process Analysis, Enterprise Architecture Management or Governance, Risk & Compliance.