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Dear all,

I am very new to ARIS and I am diving immediately into a problem. I am using ARIS 10.

I am rewriting a old report, where I want to put some shared methods in a seperate JS common file. 

Following the following guide:

So, I have this file now in common, which I have imported into the report, but still intellisence is unable to find my object of class in JS. 

Is something changed since that person made the guide back then?

by Jan Pieten Author
Posted on Fri, 10/21/2022 - 13:46

I have found out that intellisence does not really work well with identifying which objects are referenced. Tried my custom created class for the link above and eventually I did have access to the properties. However, no I am facing the issues that I can only access properties as Functions, but passing parameters to this functions in somehow not allowed. Anyone knows anything about this?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 19:48

It's a bit tricky, trying to use Javascript in an object-oriented way, because actually it is a functional language and very different from object-oriented languages like e.g. Java. To use a function you first need to instantiate the class with new, which calls the constructor and instantiates all the functions on the returned object. It was an eye-opener for me when I started to learn about Javascript and functional programming paradigms.


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