We are currently on ARIS version While creating a publisher export for our database, we are expected to select a "Profile" that determines the look & feel of the published content. (See attached screenshot). We wish to remove some unwanted attributes showing up on the properties pane in the published content, while adding a few custom attributes. We have scoured through the Online Help, manuals and through this ARIS community website for an answer. The closest we got to was a Tutorial Video which says "For information on how to create a new profile or edit a standard profile, please go to Online Help".
Can someone help us with how these profiles can be edited OR a new publisher export profile may be created?
To filter witch attributes you want to display on business publisher, you have to edit the file layouts/<yourLayout>/config/layout.cfg. In this file you have two tags, one to specify attributes for model and one to specify attributes for object.
Example on one of my client :
<attributes htmlOutput="Y"> <exclude> <attribute comment="AT_NAME" typeNum="1" /> <attribute comment="AT_DESC" typeNum="9" /> <attribute comment="moment_creation" typeNum="1008" /> <attribute comment="createur" typeNum="1009" /> <attribute comment="der_modif" typeNum="1175" /> <attribute comment="LAST_USER" typeNum="1290" /> <attribute comment="TMap_Param1" typeGUID="2ba482f0-6e69-11e3-61b3-d067e52f72c6" /> <attribute comment="TMap_Param2" typeGUID="89eaf1a0-8f48-11e3-61b3-d067e52f72c6" /> <!--<attribute comment="AT_myAttr" typeGUID="8c3987d0-e7cf-11dd-7c33-bbdafa94b49e"/>--> </exclude> <!--<include> <attribute comment="AT_NAME" typeNum="1" /> <attribute comment="AT_DESC" typeNum="9" /> <attribute comment="AT_myAttr" typeGUID="8c3987d0-e7cf-11dd-7c33-bbdafa94b49e"/> </include>--> </attributes>
Best Regards