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Hello Community,

I want to have the possibility to filter charts and tables in MashZone with multiple values. This is a standard feature in Excel. Say I want to filter my sales pipeline by product. Now say I want to see the totals of two different product lines. MashZone does not support this, however.

Is there something that I am missing? If there really isn't such a feature in MashZone has anybody thought of a workaround?



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 16:51

Hi Veselin,

when filtering in MashZone a chart might receive filter values from different sources, e.g. turnovers filtered by region and type of customer.

But you are right, unfortunately it is not possible to specify multiple values for one filter criterion, e.g. turnovers by region South and/or North. That's why there is no multi-selection in charts or tables.



by Veselin Stoyanov Author
Posted on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 12:30

Hello Stephan,

I think this would be a very nice addition for the next release of MashZone. The tool is great as it is, but it has great potiential for improvements that would make it even easier to sell.



by Darko Narandzic
Posted on Fri, 12/28/2012 - 16:39

I second that oppinion.

by Jaime Pedros
Posted on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 12:42

Completely agree !!!

Do you know if it's planned to add this functionally in future releases?

We have concrete requirements regarding this topic .



kind regards

by Nikolai Chmatov
Posted on Tue, 04/04/2017 - 21:06

Hi Fellows,

Is this functionality available in latest MashZone versions?





by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 00:06

Dear Nicolai,

Latest MashZone version is 9.12 as of Oct 2016, meanwhile called MashZone NextGen. And the upcoming release 10.0, coming later this month, will be available as MashZone NextGen Business Analytics and as MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics. But those products are no longer discussed here on the ARIS Community but on Software AG's TECHcommunities:

Please post your question there! Thanks!



by Nikolai Chmatov
Posted on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 19:38

Hi Rune,

Can you explain - 9.12 is still ARIS based or it is something else?

I'm asking because I have 9.12 (and I can see it is ARIS) but SAG web is telling (and confused me) - that MashZone NextGen is PRESTO-based




by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 21:17

ARIS MashZone 2.x has been rebranded in the past to MashZone when it was based on the ARIS 9 infrastucture in 2015. But in Oct last year we had released for the very last time that Flash-based MashZone, nprecisely amed MashZone Legacy 9.12.

And some time before that Software AG had acquired the company JackBe which brought Presto on board, another dashboard solution. And that product is titled MashZone NextGen since Oct last year, because it combines elements of MashZone (Legacy) based on Presto technology.

However, with the upcoming release of MashZone NextGen 10.0 there will be no more a parallel release of MashZone Legacy. Its its Flash-based technology is no longer accepted neither by customers nor by browser vendors.

And to confuse you even a little bit more, with ARIS 10 we are going to integrate some parts of MashZone NextGen into ARIS Connect, offering customers a dashboarding capability as we had it until 2015.

Does this little snippet of product history help?




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