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benötige Tip/Unterstützung habe die 5 Files für das Education Programm downgeloaded.

Das Zip File .001 lässt sich entpacken. zip 002 bis 005 ergibt Fehlermeldung:

"C:\.....\ " kann  nicht als Archiv geöffnet werden.



Volkmar Hofferberth

by Alexander Fandel
Posted on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 10:46

Dear Mr. Hofferberth,

can you answer the following questions please:

- Did you save all the files in one folder?

- Did you download the files multiple times?

- Which program did you use to unzip the files?

Best regards,

Alexander Fandel

by Volkmar Hofferberth Author
Posted on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 15:08

I didn't know multi zip files. That was the solution.

thank you


by Moritz Winzig
Posted on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 11:19

Please note: The mentioned package is multi zip file. Therefore the file-ending is .001; .002; etc.

To unzip these packages use 7z and extract the first archive (.001). 7z will automatically move to the next archive and extract the complete package as one.



by Volkmar Hofferberth Author
Posted on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 15:06

Thanks. thats's it: "The package is multi zip file"

Sorry :-)



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