We have created a report that displays the attribute values in a word and/or pdf document but since we use EPC (Row) model type for most of our models so we would like to include "is carried out by" information also in our document. This info is stored under object properties>Relationships>is carried out by and should be displayed only for functions as events don't have "is carried out by" relationship in EPC (Row) swimlane.

I would like to know how can we create a report script that would show the org unit/person/system carrying out the functions in each swimlane i.e. each EPC row. For example, lets assume that we have two swimlanes (rows) - one represents Org unit/Position 1 and second displays Org unit/Position 2 and we have few functions in each swimlane (row).  Now, we want to capture the relationship (is carried out by) between Org unit/Position and functions in our report  that would show the person/system reponsible for carrying out each function.  I tried to attach the garphic but for some reason it didn't work.



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