Hi, I have installed ARIS Mashzone 9.8 on my laptop successfully. However have not been able to access the client through the web browser as the documentation says. I tried to access through localhost:4080 and other ports I used during the installation. Can someone please help? Is there any other way to access the client after starting up the Mashzone server?
1 Reply
Dear Vinoda,
Did you try http://localhost:4080/mashzone?
You should also check whether MashZone has been started up. To do so, go via Windows menu Start/All Programs/Software AG/Administration and click PPM and MashZone Cloud Controller. That tool lets you manage your MashZone installation.
At the prompt type list to check the status of the MashZone components (AKA runnables). They all should be shown as STARTED. If not either type startall or click in program group Software AG/Administration/Start Servers on Start MashZone.