Profile picture for user VladoB

Hi all,

i'd like to know more about menu VIEW-OPTIONS in Architect / Designer. Is there any file where ARIS write these options? Where are options saved?

I'm going to install clients and I have to manually set options on every computer :(




by Abhijit Das
Posted on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 04:08

Hi Vladimir,

Not sure why do you have to install clients. You can let the user access ARIS through web if you set ARIS through IIS or some web server.

Anyway if you do it like that the file is copied from server to client. The file you need to chnage/edit to reflect your choice would be  /server/html/config/oem01/user.cfg. (this is windows environment. not sure about others). if your concern is about the password you can chnage it in this file. Also you can define the model properties like connection arc etc.

For thick client I am not sure. It could be somewhere in individual client config file (as I have said this is my guess. So please do not count on this).


Abhijit Das


by Vladimir Bis Author
Posted on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 09:32

Hi Abhijit,

we have one ARIS server and a few thick clients (BA and BD), we use thick clients because all users add and edit models, objects, groups... Web access is read only, isn't it?


by Abhijit Das
Posted on Fri, 11/25/2011 - 05:27

Hi Vladimir,

Web access is not only for READ only access. Considering you are not using very old version (like ARIS6.0) you can have this option for the clients.

You just need to deploy it that way.


Please have a look at the installation doc in the ARIS DVD.


Have a look at pages from 403.



Abhijit Das


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