Hello Community,
you may have asked yourself already why it is necessary to work with JavaScript, if we could achieve the same with the Wizard. To give an answer, I just tried it out and it looks quite good. It was my wish to print all information as we have it in the Part 2 - Object Attribute Listing.
Please see the following result:
We will get also the same data with output type "Excel", splitted into 3 different sheets, whereas in my example the first two are empty:
What is the main difference between the JavaScript report and this Wizard generated?
With the Wizard I can create a nice layout, define it on the screen and don't care individual positions and ARIS JavaScript functions. Although I miss the ID's and API values, the main information is there.
The main point that I can not solve is the dynamic list of "all maintained attributes". I need to select all possible attributes manually, and in case an attribute is maintained it will be printed.
What I can not achive at all is the list of "not maintained attributes". I just don't know if this is possible with the Wizard.
Report Definition
Here is the report definition as I see it right now. As usual I started with the "selected groups", added a subgroup for the models and another for the object occurences with the attributes:
Please feel free and create your own Wizard report and try to get the same result. Mainly I followed the steps from the evaluation user guide "evaluation_s.pdf", section "8.1.28 - Use Case: How to work with report script templates". If requested, I would be pleased to describe the individual steps in more detail.
Please download the report file from here
How to Start?
After creation (or installation), select a group in your database, right click, then Evaluate > Start Report ...
Open Point:
Does someone know how we can add the attribute group automatically to the attributes? This value seems not to be available in the Wizard, but perhaps in JavaScript?
Next Article
The next article will further enhance the report and add Excel as output format (see Tutorial Part 4).
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Best Regards
There is a Designer/Architect report script by IDS "Objects in the sequence of modeling (model graph)".
Another readily coded solution by Mr. Philipp Hess uses
sortedList = ArisData.sort(objOccurrences,Constants.SORT_X, Constants.SORT_Y, nLocale)
to sort the object occurrences according to sequence in a horizontal lane model.
You can achieve the same in the Aris Report Wizard or WYSIWIG Editor if you apply the sort parameters SORT_X and SORT_Y to the list of object occurences. For details cf. Aris Script Help. If there are many parallel paths in your process model this method will not give exact results, because in a model graph "there is more to it than meets the eye" of a human reader.
Hi Volker,
I want to insert a data field in the header, but I am afraid the header only has limited objects for inserting:
The static area has many more options for inserting objects:
Is it possible to insert a data field in the header (e.g. a workaround)?