Hello Community,
Based on another thread I created a simple but powerful report to list unassigned models. I am pleased to share it now with you officially!
Assuming you run it against a small database with some unassigned models in it, the result could look like this, identifying 4 models not assigned yet.
Initially it was our idea to create it only with the reporting wizard. But because we list only unassigned models, we have to filter in a way which seams to be not supported by the wizard yet.
In addition you get some statistical information in a second Excel sheet. This shows the number of models per model type in your selected database and group.
How to Install
You will get a zipped arx file, which needs to be installed into your ARIS environment, section Administration > Evaluations > Reports (Please unzip it first.). Create a custom reporting category - if not yet done - and load it into that.
Please download from the attachment link below ...
How to start
Please start this report from a group:
Planned Improvements
There are already ideas how to improve the report like additional model type limitations. But this depends mainly on your feedback.
Please let me know any experience or particular feedback. I would be pleased to guide you in case you need assistance.
Related Articles
Best Regards
Hi, Volker.
Good stuff, thanks, took a while to go through our database, but finished with report of several thousands of unassigned models.
As a feedback:
- I alterated script to work on the group;
- If you put a time stamp into report - it will be handy for the future analysis of model assignment trends;
- The model number column is missing (do not need for Excel files, but handy to have in HTML);
- The report goal is to support decision making process.
I think that if you include model complexity data into the report - it will help with decision making process.
It could be that some models are one object model, but if model has many linked objects (ePC, for instance) and this model is not assigned - this will be an indicator to have a look to. Number of objects and links has some correation with knowledge of the value model stores and model importance. It is obvious that important models should be linked.
Thanks again for report.
Hi Sergei,
thanks a lot for your valuable feedback!
You are right, it makes more sense to run the report for a dedicated group in a database. The timestamp and complexity identifiers are also very good suggestions, please download the extended version from above.
Regards, Volker
Hi Everyone,
I just tried to provide the file again. Unfortunately the new link does not work either. So it seams to me that something is not correct on server side. We need help from the community owners to get this fixed.
The same file as predefined attachment works (see link just above the comments section), so everyone can download (I hope)
Thank you!