Welcome to Software AG's newsletter on everything around ARIS. This newsletter includes information on Service Releases, news about product innovations and trends among ARIS (Business Process Analysis, Process-Driven Management for SAP® Solutions, Enterprise Architecture Management, and Governance, Risk and Compliance Management).



ARIS is running in the cloud: Welcome Process Live!

Software AG announced the availability of Process Live at Innovation World 2013, its global user's conference in San Francisco. Process Live is a cloud based service integrating social collaboration with process improvement. It is built on ARIS technology which has shaped the business process management discipline over the last 20 years.

With Process Live organizations can design, share and collaboratively improve processes in the cloud. It is easy to use and provides innovative ways to visualize process content enabling all stakeholders to participate in process improvement projects. To ensure enterprise-wide participation in process improvement initiatives, social collaboration is seamlessly integrated in Process Live. This turns a one-way street into an interactive dialog, increasing awareness and acceptance of process improvement initiatives. As Process Live is integrated with the ARIS Community, users can leverage the knowledge of over 260.000 community members for their projects.

Learn more about Process Live and get your free

ARIS 9.5 out now!

Learn more about the brand new features in ARIS 9.5!

Following ARIS 9, ARIS 9.5 is even more attractive, shortens the learning curve, develops social collaboration and communication, enables faster and meaningful business results on ARIS content and lowers TCO for the ARIS administration.

Several functions and services have been automated, the connection between the products is tighter and many use cases (e.g. Process-Driven SAP, Process Governance, Risk and Compliance Management) have been enhanced.

Review in detail the numerous innovations in the ARIS 9.5 features overviewimage here.

The next release ARIS 9.6 is planned for Q1 2014.

If you need more information, please get in touch with your local sales rep.

Review ARIS @ Innovation World 2013

The agenda was packed with big names and great presentations (e.g. Lufthansa, Bank of America, amdocs); two highlights were the ones from Fonterra and The Coca Cola Company. Nigel Adler, Enterprise Architect at Fonterra had reached out to the event team in advance and had asked for a table, a chair and PLASTIC WRAP... Curious? Watch theimagevideo of his presentation on youtube, it is definitely worth it!

The Coca Cola Company also held a great presentation about "BPM in the Context of Global ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Implementations". Petra Burgstaller spoke about the global implemantation of BPM in the context of ERP at Coca-Cola Bottling companies using SAP® and other solutions. Business process standardization and the implementation of best-practice processes are the company's key guiding principles. The slides are uploadedimagehere.

If you are interested in the future of ARIS, its roadmap and ARIS in the cloud, check out the "ARIS World" – the 90minutes keynote about. Watch theimagevideo.

It was an awesome event with great customers, exciting presentations and a whole lot to learn and to get to know. We urgently recommend that you come to next year'simage Innovation World in New Orleans, don't miss it!

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Software AG Named a Leader* in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Platforms

Leading industry analyst firm Gartner, Inc. places Software AG as a leader in the market of enterprise GRC platforms, which has matured to a strategic focus on enterprise risk management and business performance. Vendors were evaluated based on both their completeness of vision and ability to execute in the enterprise GRC platform market.

Gartner's evaluation of Software AG is primarily based on its ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager, which takes a process-focused approach to GRC. With this product, businesses can analyze and assess risks, automatically escalate issues for resolution and update management via an up-to-the-minute dashboard. It helps enterprises to comprehensively manage their compliance activities and analyze operational risks.

Our enterprise GRC platform combines Business Process Analysis with audit-proof workflows and turns risk and compliance management into a strategic management tool. All risk management and compliance topics are executed in an integrated central ARIS repository for maximum control, transparency, simplicity and efficiency.

Complimentary copies of Gartner's report are available

*"Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Platforms", published September 24th 2013, by French Caldwell and John A. Wheeler


ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager 9.5

ARIS Risk and Compliance Manager 9.5 will be released soon. It will be fully compatible with ARIS 9.5, which was released some days ago. The new release will provide enhanced functionalities for policy management and incident management. The policy capabilities have been enhanced by new workflows for exceptions documentation, when policies have temporarily or permanently been suspended and review of policies for maintenance and update. Incident management became more generic and can now be used for various objects, such as risks, controls, audits or policies.

The GRC platform can be used to support various regulatory requirements such as FATCA within the internal control system and helps to increase the efficiency of compliance activities.

Read moreimagehere.

ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager also offers comprehensive capabilities for planning, preparation, execution and reporting of audits. Customers use it for business performance and enterprise risk management. Operational risks can be assessed by financial impact and probability. Risk mitigating measures can be initiated if necessary.

Software AG's GRC platform uses complex event processing for real time monitoring and to automate tasks to increase productivity. Several use cases like continuous controls monitoring (CCM) or fraud detection are supported. Reporting and dashboard capabilities via individual mashups are also part of the platform. Finally, the social collaboration tool ARIS Connect enables information sharing on risk and compliance data.


Guided BPM procedures for SAP projects

Cooperation with the German SAP user group on a procedure guide for BPM in SAP projects

Software AG and IDS Scheer Consulting employees shared their knowledge and experience to support the creation of a standard document from the German SAP user group (DSAG) dealing with Business Process Management in SAP projects.

The BPM procedures' guide for SAP projects gives practical hints how to implement BPM while using SAP and thus minimizes the risks of bad investments and maximizes the benefits of BPM. It goes through the main steps of BPM beginning with definition of process responsibility, design and modeling of the solution as well as through the subsequent execution, the monitoring and optimization.

The (German-speaking) guide can be downloadedimagehere.


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